Spoiler alert! Displays JP Scarlet Tower floors, JP-only characters, future unit universe codes, JP-only story cards, and other JP stuffs except lore/story exclusive content
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Current time: Sunday, 2 February 2025 00:47:35 UTC
SU, MO, FI, WA → 日, 月, 火, 水
"Marisa Kirisame" → "Kirisame Marisa"
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Ran Yakumo
Capable of using youjutsu
Gains effect when using boost:
Own Agility +1 (1 turn)
Capable of using shikigami
Gains effect when using graze:
Own Yang ATK +1 (1 turn)
Soft Guard
OwnMoon dmg resistance +50% (1 turn)
OwnWood dmg resistance +50% (1 turn)
OwnMetal dmg resistance +50% (1 turn)
Isolating Barrier
OwnSun dmg resistance +50% (1 turn)
OwnEarth dmg resistance +50% (1 turn)
OwnMetal dmg resistance +50% (1 turn)
(no effect)
Shikigami Sealing Arts
Disables all enemies boost (3 turns)